Cloud Services

A new generation, interoperable e-FDP system
compliant with Single European Sky regulations.

air traffic management services

Coflight Cloud Services, with its innovative concept of remote delivery of data services to ANSPs, guarantees access to high-performance systems regardless of ANSP size. 

Working to meet Single European Sky challenges and is aligned with the values and ambitions of the SESAR program. 

Providing an innovative customer-centric service developed by and for ANSPs to answer their specific needs. 

Driving the digital transformation of aviation with its package of advanced interoperable remote flight data processing services. 

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CCS, a groundbreaking system with multiple benefits 

«Innovation is driving our ambition. Coflight Cloud Services is modernizing the industry and laying the groundwork for the future Single European Sky with the integration of new services.» 

page1image66636416page1image66636608 Next-generation innovation

Developing a range of innovative functions for optimal performance.


page1image66636416page1image66636608 Accessible system

Equipped to answer the needs of all types of air traffic management providers. 

page1image66636416page1image66636608 Collaborative

Fostering collaboration between large and small ANSPs to build future European ATM. 


page1image66636416page1image66636608 Customer-centric

Defining the development of new SWIM services for efficient operating modes in the future via a collaborative customer-centric process accounting for ANSP needs. 

page1image66636416page1image66636608 Aligned with Single European Sky objectives

Taking ATM to the next level and making traffic more fluid by delivering a fully standardized service package.

page1image66636416page1image66636608 SWIM compliant

Making CCS interfaces public through SWIM to facilitate the development of partners’ and clients’ applications.

page1image66636416page1image66636608 Reduced Environmental impact

Leveraging the CCS technological advance to reduce the environmental impact of the aviation sector.


page1image66636416page1image66636608 Improved Safety

Improving the safety and security of users and empowering ANSPs with greater flexibility.

page1image66636416page1image66636608 Cost-Sharing model

Reducing costs for ANSPs through an innovative cost-sharing economic model.

“CCS initiative is the best fitting contribution to the strategic transformation of skyguide, as it will propose the flight data processing (FDP) information provision as a remote service delivered by DSNA and ENAV platforms acting as ADSPs directly to skyguide ATSUs. Through an appropriate service-oriented approach adequately interfaced with the Enterprise Service Bus platform deployed by skyguide, it will allow the Swiss ANSP to keep its specific transformation agility for the upstream part (the ATSU) while relying on the benefits of economical scalability and services’ mutualization on the downstream part (the ADSP).”

Klaus Meier

Chief Information Officer (CIO), Skyguide

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